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  Japanese words to English

ASHI -legs
AGE -rising
ATEMI -striking
BO -long staff
BOKEN -wooden sword
BUDO -the way of combat
BUNKAI -application of form
BUSHIDO -way of the warrior
BUJUTSU -Bushi fighting arts
CHOKU -straight
CHUDAN -mid level (solar-plexus)
DACHI -stance
DAN -level
DOJO -place of practice
DENZOOK -no coun
DO -way
EKU -Okinawan oar like weapon
ERI -jacket collar
FUDO -rooted {Fudo dachi}
GATAME -arm bar
GEDAN -low level (below belt)
GI -training uniform
GO-KYO -Five  principles
GOHON -five finger strike
GYAKU -reverse
HACHIJI -open leg {Hachiji dachi}
HACHIMACHI -towelled headband
HADAKA JIME -naked strangle
HADARI -left
HADJIME -begin
HAISHU -back of the hand
HAISOKU -instep
HAITO -ridge hand [first knuckle of thumb & side of hand]
HAKAMA -split black skirt worn by senseis
HANGETSU -hourglass {Hangetsu dachi}
HATAMA -head
HEISOKU -attention {Heikosu dachi}
HIDARI -left side
HIJI -elbow strike
HIZA -knee
HON -Origin
IAI-DO -The art of drawing a sword
IPPON -one
IPPON KEN -one knuckle fist
IPPON NUKITE -one finger spear hand
IRIMI -entering {Irimi waza}
JIGO-TAI -defensive posture
JIMI/JIME -choke or strangle
JITSUKA -a practitioner of jitsu
JU-JITSU -gentle art
JIYU KUMITE -free sparring
JO -short staff
JODAN -high level (head)
JOHSOKUTEL -ball of foot
JOSEKI -Kamiza
JUDOKA -practitoner of judo
JUDO -gentle way
JUJI -cross
KAGI -hook {Kagi tsuki}
KAKATO -heel
KAKATO UKE -bent wrist lock
KAKE -the point at which a throw will take it's maximal effect
KAMA -sickle
KAMAE -posture
KANKETSU -joint lock
KARA -empty
KARATE -empty hand
KATA -pre arranged stylised techniques/shoulder
KATAME -grappling
KATAME WAZA -mat work
KATANA -long sword [the Samurai's main weapon]
KATSU -revival techniques
KEMPO -way of the fist
KEN -sword or knuckle
KENDO -way of the sword
KERI -kicking
KERU -kick
KI -vital energy
KIAI -shout with vital energy
KIBA -horse {Kiba dachi-horse/saddle stance}
KIME -focus
KIRITSU -stand to attention
KITSKAY -attention
KOKO -tiger mouth {Koko uchi}
KOKUTSU -back {Kokutsu dachi}
KUBI -neck
KUMIKATA -methods of holding
KUMITE -sparring
KUSARIGAMA -sickle blade attached to the end of a chain as a weapon
KUCHO -vital body areas
KUZUSHI -unbalancing [nine directions]
KYU -coloured belt degree
KYUKEI -dismissal after bow
KYUSHO -vital point
KYUSHO JITSU -pressure point strikes
MA-AI -distance
MAE -front
MAKIWARA -punching board
MATAE -stop
MATSUI -relaxation position
MAWASHI TSUKI -roundhouse punch
MIGI -right side
MIKAZUKI -crescent
MORO -augmented
MOROTE -With two hands
MUNE -chest
NAKADAKA IPPON KEN -middle finger one knuckle fist
NAGE -throwing
NAGE-NO-KATA -the forms of throwing
NAGINATA -halberd used by Japanese women
NAORE -adopt attention stance
NECHO -cat
NECHO ASHI DACHI -cat stance
NE-WAZA -ground fighting techniques
NIHON NUKITE -two finger spear hand
NUKITE -spear hand
NUNCHAKU -two rods connected by a short chain [weapon]
O -great
OBI -belt
OSAE KOMI -hold down
OTAGI NI REI -bow to Dojo & all assembled
RANDORI -free practice/judo sparring
REI -to bow
RITSUREI -standing bow
RYU -style of martial art
SAI -large three pronged knife
SAMURAI -a Japanese feudal knight
SEIKEN -fore fist
SEIZA -formal kneeling position
SEMPAI -senior
SENAKA -the back
SENSEI -teacher
SENSEI NE REI -bow to instructor
SHIME -choke {Shime waza}
SHIZEN TAI -natural posture
SHOTEI -palm heel strike
SHUTO -knife edge hand
SODE -sleeve
SOKUTO -foot edge
SU DACHI -standing with feet together
SUKUI NAGE -scooping throw
SUTEMI -sacrafice
SUWARU -to sit down into Seiza
TACHI WAZA -standing throwing techniques
TAMESHEWARI -breaking demonstration
TANDEN -point just beneath navel
TANTO -a short straight bladed knife or shortsword
TATAMI -mats
TATE -vertical
TATE TSUKI -a boxer's punch
TE -hand
TEISHO -palm heel
TEIJI -`T' shaped {Teiji dachi}
TEKUBI -wrist
TETTSUI -hammer fist/bottom fist
TONFA -short stick with a handle on one end, similar to a nightstick
TORI -the one who conquers as distinct from Uke, who is conquered
TSUKI -punch
TSUKURI -stepping into a throw/take an opponent's balance
TUITE -grappling techniques & joint manipulation by use of pressure points
UCHI -inner
CHIKOMI -repetitive practice of taking an opponent to kake
UDE -forearm
UKE -block
UKEMI -breakfalling
UKE -attacker, or assistant
UKI -floating
URAKEN -back fist
USHIRO -rear
WAZA -technique
YAMA -mountain/`U'
YAMAE -stop
WAKI -on  the side
YAMA-ARASHI  -mountain storm
YAME -stop
YARI -spear
YASUME -relax on spot
YOI/YOHI -make ready
YONHON NUKITE -spear hand
YOKO -side
YOSHI -continue
ZAREI -kneeling bow
ZAZEN -sitting meditation
ZEN -All totality
ZENKATSU -forward {Zenkatsu dachi}
ZORI –sandals
 Counting in Japanese
   Ich -one
   Ni - two
   San - three
   Shi - four
   Go - five
   Roku - six
   Shichi - seven
   Hachi - eight
   Ku -nine
   Ju - ten