The Martial Arts Teacher
The relationship of the teacher to the dojo is varied. The teacher is a father an advisor and a chastiser. The teacher
though different is the same as every one else. He is human and deserves respect, for he has travelled a long way.
A good teacher can convey the appropriate knowledge at the correct time, see and help correct students problems.
Show no favour be kind but firm to beginners on the path. Become harder on the students who progress.
He can be kind and understanding, he can be hard, He can be compassionate.
Though all these trials his heart is forever with them. He listens when they speak and tries to understand their
He is active in a subdued way . He gives while others take and asks no rewards. He is sad, He is happy, He is let
down, He is uplifted, He holds to the way, for that is him.
He may be abused, blamed or criticized but he persists, that is why he is a teacher.
If you have a good martial arts teacher , take
good care of him.